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[Techdays Sweden 2019] Important Things You Need to Know about Storing Your Identity

Photo: Dinos Charalabidis

Hi there!

Our CEO, Paula Januszkiewicz, on October 23rd had the amazing chance to present again at TechDays Sweden! Thank you, Sweden!

Find out more about 2 sessions presented during the TechDays Sweden:

Understand Credential Security: Important Things You Need to Know about Storing Your Identity

Paula’s presentation slides can be found HERE

Hacking Lambada: Forensic Techniques for Unveiling the Hacker’s Forbidden Dance

Paula’s presentation slides can be found HERE

Download the tools https://resources.cqureacademy.com/tools/ (Password: CQUREAcademy#123!).

Photo: Dinos Charalabidis

It was a pleasure for CQURE to be with you at the TechDays. Paula was, as always amazed by warm reception and many interesting questions.

If you have any questions please drop us a message via our contact form.

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