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[BlackHat USA 2019] CQForensic: The efficient Forensic Toolkit

After this year’s Black Hat Asia, it’s time for Paula to rock at the Black Hat USA in Las Vegas!

Following 4 days of intense training, on August 7th Paula held her inspiring speech about CQURE’s authoring forensic tool – CQForensic.

>> Scroll down to view slides and tools from Paula’s session and gain even more valuable knowledge >>>

CQForensic: The Efficient Forensic Toolkit

Do you want to find out how the information gathering process looks like step by step and how to extract information from memory dumps, including the PowerShell commands?

Would you like to have access to a tool, that can build an attack timeline, extract information from the USN journal, recover files, also from MFT, decrypt user’s and system’s stored secrets, like encrypted data, extract information from Prefetch and from Remote Desktop Session cache or extract information from the configuration of the used for administration tools?

It’s all possible thanks to CQForensics, presented by Paula during the Arsenal session!

About the Black Hat

Those, who read our blog regularly, surely have heard about the Black Hat, but in short words:

It is one of the most technical information security events in the world. For more than 20 years, Black Hat inspires professionals at all career levels, encouraging growth and collaboration among academia, world-class researchers, and leaders in the public and private sectors.

During the event you have a chance to participate in training classes, Arsenal Sessions, Briefings and Review Boards.


Paula’s presentation slides can be found HERE

Download the tools HERE (Password: CQUREAcademy#123!) and Whitepaper HERE

If you have any questions please drop us a message via our contact form.


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