Man-in-the-middle attack – everything you need to know to perform it

Find out how Paula J, CQURE Academy CEO performs Man-in-the-middle attack, to know what to be aware of.
Don’t Take Candy or USBs from Strangers – USB attack is the serious threat

Find out how Paula J, CQURE Academy CEO performs Man-in-the-middle attack, to know what to be aware of.
The Attack That Can Fool Anyone. Don’t Ignore Social Engineering

Paula Januszkiewicz demonstrates a social engineering attack in which Evilginx is deployed to phish Microsoft Teams login credentials.
How to Bury Risk in the Sand? Configure Windows Sandbox for malware analysis

Windows Sandbox can protect your PC from malicious executables. Here’s how to install and configure it correctly from a security expert.
Back to Basics: Conditional Access in Azure Active Directory

In this beginner’s guide to conditional access in Azure Active Directory, Paula J shows how to regulate access by user, format and device type.
Back to Basics: Using PIM in Azure Active Directory Security

Paula J shows how to use Privileged Identity Management (PIM) in Azure Active Directory security to enforce just-in-time access and manage who has what roles.
Hacks Weekly #47 Memory Dump

Memory dump in general is useful in order to investigate what’s running in our system memory. Everything, all information that was running before the crash is stored in our memory. For example, if there is any kind of malicious code that is running in the memory of a legitimate process, then you would be able […]
Hacks Weekly #48 Introduction to Stackwalking

Stackwalking is very useful function which could be enabled in a feature of the Event Tracking for Windows and the Windows Performance Analyzer. ETW is implemented in the Windows operating system. It provides us with a fast and reliable set of event tracing features. When you enable stackwalking for a kernel event, the kernel captures […]
Hacks Weekly #49 Introduction to Boot Monitoring

By monitoring the boot process, one might detect a malware infection as some of the malicious executables interfere with Windows system files accessed during the system boot-up resulting in a slower start of it. First of all, please make sure you have set up stack walking. If you have not done it yet, you can […]
Hacks Weekly #50 Network Traffic Analysis

Neutrino, one of the world’s most popular exploit kits, will be the base for our Hacks Weekly scenario. Its malicious code can be injected into legitimate resources – like websites – and compromise a computer through various vendor vulnerabilities. However, due to NTA, we are able to track Neutrino steps and find the root that […]