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Back to Basics: Using PIM in Azure Active Directory Security

When you look at the pyramids of Ancient Egypt, it’s clear that protecting your valuable resources by limiting access to them is not a new concept. In today’s world, where data is an organization’s greatest treasure, the Privileged Identity Management (PIM) service in Azure Active Directory makes it possible to manage, control, and monitor who accesses your most important digital resources.

Join Paula J as she demonstrates the many security-boosting possibilities offered by PIM in this beginners-level edition of CQ Hacks.

Minimizing who can access your data and when is one of the cornerstones of cybersecurity as it helps to decrease the chance of sensitive information falling into the hands of a malicious actor. It also protects data against being accidentally viewed (or even inadvertently leaked!) by an authorized user.

Because privileged user accounts hold higher levels of access than other user accounts, they need to be monitored more closely. PIM is a service in Azure Active Directory that allows you to restrict access in a variety of cool ways, from making it time-bound to implementing just-in-time access.

In her exploration of Privileged Identity Management in Azure Active Directory, Paula covers:

  •     Assigning roles
  •     Adding assignments
  •     Giving global administrative rights to a user
  •     Configuring limited time access that expires after a specified time
  •     How to activate a role and monitor it using Assigned Admins

You’ll find more beginner-level episodes of CQ Hacks devoted to Azure Active Directory Security on the CQURE Academy blog.


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