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[InfoSec Summit 2019] Paula Januszkiewicz and common cybersecurity mistakes, CQURE insights and techniques

The 2019 Summit was the 12th edition of the InfoSec Summit!

It was a great pleasure to bring you the best of CQURE’s knowledge during Paula’s Januszkiewicz keynote and breakout sessions!

>>> Scroll down to view slides and tools from Paula’s session and gain even more valuable knowledge >>>

A couple of words about the keynote session! Have you ever considered what are the worst security mistakes made by administrators? Becoming familiar with Ten Deadly Sins of Administrators about Windows Security is a great opportunity to get insights how your network could become significantly more secure. Let’s face it: there are more than 10 dangerous mistakes. But if you start to think like a true cracker, all of these sins shown during the session would be behind you. Those were some of the hot cybersecurity topics Paula has triggered during her presentation!

Of course, adequate approach is crucial, but it is not everything. Hackers’ attacks do happen everyday. During break-out session CSI: Windows – Techniques for Finding the Cause of the Unexpected System Takeovers session Paula showed that hackers’ attacks, paradoxically, could help you. By performing several analysis we are able to get enough evidence of performed malicious actions. This type of monitoring can be also useful when performing the regular investigation of what happened in the system, not only from the attacker’s perspective!

If you have any questions please drop us a message via our contact form.

Paula’s presentation slides can be found HERE

Download the tools HERE. (Password: CQUREAcademy#123!)

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