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Bring Out the Cake! CQURE Celebrates Ten Years!

As CQURE turns 10 we take a look back over the events of the past decade that have traced our journey to become one of the foremost providers of cybersecurity training.

Back when we first started technology was much simpler and things like network spoofing were major security threats. [Don’t laugh!]

Since then our CEO and founder Paula Januszkiewicz has scooped numerous awards and our team has grown to include over 40 dedicated and super-skilled people at offices in four different countries. We’ve hit a lot of milestones along the way – just take a look at those numbers! – and we’re far from done yet.

It’s been an amazing journey and we want to thank everyone who has trained with us, supported us, and put their faith in us to succeed. We hope that you will join us for another ten years of raising cybersecurity awareness and keeping companies and individuals safe through online and offline training around the world.

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