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[IGNITE ’18] Up Close with the Experts – Paula J’s Interview with Jeremy Winter

Microsoft Community Reporter and CQURE CEO Paula Januszkiewicz took Director of Azure Management Jeremy Winter on a rustic trip down memory lane in this candid chat at Ignite 2018.

Watch as the pair talk gadgets, give tips on where to find a quiet moment at the world’s largest tech conference, and describe how a C++ party looks to outsiders.

Jeremy Winter

Jeremy Winter is Microsoft’s Director of Azure Management. Previously, he held a position of the Principal Group Program Manager and was responsible for the System Center portfolio within the Enterprise Cloud division.

Jeremy started as a developer, moved to running operations for Hotmail, and then switched to program management for Azure Management and Security.

He and his teams were building modern management solutions delivered within the datacenter and from the cloud.

Now, Jeremy is a 21-year veteran of Microsoft who has hands-on knowledge running large-scale services and brings many years of experience in the IT management space.

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