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Hacks Weekly #58 The Biggest PKI Misconfigurations

Get ready for another episode of Hacks Weekly, where we dive deep into the world of the biggest PKI misconfigurations. This time, we’ve got a special guest, Mike Jankowski-Lorek, PhD, Cybersecurity Expert and CQURE of Consulting at CQURE, who’s here to take your knowledge to new heights.

Get ready for another episode of Hacks Weekly, where we dive deep into the world of the biggest PKI misconfigurations. This time, we’ve got a special guest, Mike Jankowski-Lorek, PhD, Cybersecurity Expert and CQURE of Consulting at CQURE, who’s here to take your knowledge to new heights. 

During this episode, we will go through the most common problems or risks associated with certificates and certificate issuance based on the certificate template. You will have a chance to discover how even seemingly minor mistakes can open the door for attackers to compromise the AD environment. 

Are you ready to elevate your understanding of certificate templates related misconfigurations and enhance your skills? 

Head to our Youtube video for a practical session that will leave you feeling like a pro. Mike will guide you through the cyber hacks step-by-step, making sure you don’t miss a single trick. 

Any comments or questions? Feel free to message us and let us know about your thoughts. Thank you for being with us! Hope you’ll enjoy today’s episode of our series.   

Jankowski-Lorek, Ph.D.
Director of Consulting, Cybersecurity Expert, MCT

Cybersecurity Expert, solution architect, consultant, penetration tester, and developer with more than 20 years of experience in the field. Mike holds multiple certifications, in security, database and software development. He also holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science.

All articles by Mike

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