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1 day to Windows Forensics Mastery – Cybersecurity Online Course

Statistics say it all: the total costs of cybercrime for companies around the world are rising dramatically! 


An overwhelming number of attacks cause a huge demand for digital forensics experts who investigate digital crimes, including data breaches and other security incidents. So many tasks and so few experts…

Understanding the internal OS protection mechanisms changes the game when it comes to the security infrastructure in your organization. The problem is… rarely anyone on a team has this kind of expertise. The secure infrastructure configuration should be the most important line of defence in every organization. Unfortunately, the company’s most valuable resource — people — are usually not aware of what is really needed. They often don’t understand a hacker’s possible points of entry, how operating systems are attacked, and how to protect the infrastructure from attacks caused by configuration mistakes.

We’re here to change it. We prepared an online course on cybersecurity operations: 1-day to Forensics Mastery. This intensive training will help you walk in the hackers’ shoes and evaluate your infrastructure from their point of view.

Our mission is to share our knowledge with security professionals, who want to evaluate their skills, needed to effectively protect the system. 

Let Paula Januszkiewicz introduce you to the course – watch the video below. 

What is unique in this course?

The course is unique because we are leveraging our CQURE tools (more than 200). As far as we know, we are the first and only team that did the reverse engineering of the data protection API.

Who is it for? 

This is a must-do for:

  • enterprise administrators,
  • infrastructure architects,
  • system engineers,
  • other IT professionals responsible for implementing network & perimeter security.

What can you expect? The 1 day to Windows Forensics Mastery Cybersecurity Online Course Syllabus

The course is divided into 5 modules:

Module 1: Introduction to Incident Response and Handling

  1. Introduction to Incident Response and Handling
  2. Incident Response Plan Steps and Checklist
  3. Incident Response Good and Best Practices

Module 2: System and Network Security Mechanisms

  1. Permissions, Privileges, Rights and Access Tokens
  2. Services Architecture
  3. Data Protection API
  4. Passwords security and techniques for extracting passwords

Module 3: Handling Malicious Code Incidents

  1. Malware Principals
  2. Detection and analysis of malicious software
  3. Tools for malware analysis and malware case study

Module 4: Securing Monitoring Operations

  1. Evidence Gathering Techniques
  2. Memory Dump Collection
  3. Disk Dump Collection
  4. Understanding Windows Security Event Log Sysmon

Module 5: Forensics Basics

  1. Gathering basic forensic information
  2. Memory Dump analysis
  3. Prefetch
  4. Automatic Destinations
  5. USB Analysis
  6. USN Journal
  7. Windows Registry Analysis
  8. Windows Indexing Service
  9. Deleted Files Recovery
  10. Thank you and what’s next?

We will cover a little bit of theory and a lot of practice – technical demonstration with live analysis!

  • 7 hours of video tutorial
  • 300 pages of exercises and slides with notes
  • Unique tools to download
  • 2020 updated knowledge

Who will guide you through Forensics techniques and incident handling?


Paula Januszkiewicz, CEO and Founder of CQURE, MVP, MCT, and Microsoft Regional Director. Paula has 15 years of experience in the cybersecurity field, performing penetration tests, architecture consulting, training, and seminars. She has performed hundreds of security projects, including those for governmental organizations and big enterprises, at the same time being a top speaker and a keynote speaker at many well-known conferences, including Microsoft Ignite (rated No 1 Speaker among 1100 speakers at a conference with 26000 attendees), RSA (in 2017 in San Francisco her session was one of the 5 hottest sessions), Black Hat, CyberCrime etc., where she is often rated as No 1 speaker. Her presentations gather thousands of people. In 2019, Paula’s presentation was voted best of Black Hat Asia 2019 Briefings.

1 day to Windows Forensics Mastery - Cybersecurity Online Course

What is the course formula? 

  • Intensive
    You’ll get access to the pre-recorded classes (5 modules consisting of about 7 hours of video tutorials) on our special interactive platform.
  • Flexible
    You can finish all the 5 modules in a day or spread it over a few weeks. The decision is yours.
  • Extra Materials
    You’ll get the author’s unique tools to download, plus over 300 pages of exercises and presentation slide with notes.
  • 12-Month Access
    You’ll get a full year online access to the course. The downloads are yours to keep.
  • Updated Knowledge
    The course is packed with the newest cybersecurity findings, insights, and tools.

If you think it’s time to explore WindowsForensics, join now.

If you have any questions please drop us a message via our contact form.

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