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[RSA USA ‘19] Tips on how to store your identity – another deep dive into cybersecurity topics with Paula

Deep knowledge and understanding of credential security are the power – for sure in cybersecurity world! Today Paula presented a session on ‘Important Things You Need to Know about Storing Your Identity’ as a part of RSA Conference 2019 in San Francisco. During her talk, she covered most important topics connected to keeping your juicy data safe.

>>> Scroll down to view the slides and tools from Paula’s session

In the world full of cybercriminals and vulnerabilities it is crucial to keep your passwords and other precious data as safe as possible. Paula, knowing all about places where credentials are stored, described the technology weaknesses in credential security and demonstrated specific misused actions within the operating system. In her talk she presented unexpected places where your passwords reside and additionally performed live demos showing how the password attacks are performed, the typical paths where credentials can be leaked. At the end of the session, Paula showed how to prevent these by implementing various solutions.

If you have any questions please drop us a message via our contact form.

Paula’s RSA 2019 presentation slides can be found below:

Download the tools HERE. (Password: CQUREAcademy#123!)

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