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How we helped keep an alleged “hacker” out of 70 years in prison

First hacking case in history won by the defenders

Thanks to the great work of the case attorney Simone Bertollini and CQURE’s team and our pretty amazing know-how this is the first hacking case in history that was WON by the defenders! “The CQURE Team identified serious flaws in the government’s investigation.  They helped me do justice for Gasperini” – stated Simone Bertollini. Learn […]

Sniffing and replaying ADFS claims with Fiddler!

In this article we are going look into the process authentication with ADFS. We will use “Fiddler” – free web debugging proxy tool to analyze network conversation between website to which user is authenticating and its web browser. This is a very useful tool for troubleshooting ADFS authentication problems and we will learn what the […]

User Secrets: How to Get Them Back Using Password Recovery Tools

What is DPAPI? Data Protection Application Programming Interface (DPAPI) is used in many Windows applications and subsystems. What is its purpose? For example: Credentials of Microsoft Outlook accounts stored in the registry; Credentials and encrypted cookies stored by Google Chrome; Credentials stored by IE in the registry under HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer; WiFi passwords saved in XML […]

How to Recover Corrupted EVTX Log Files and Extract Information

How to Recover Corrupted EVTX Log Files and Extract Information

Find out:  how to recover corrupted EVTX log files  recover log files directly from a memory dump Watch the full video for more details and examples. Tools for EVTX file recovery Our experts developed this particular tool because there are so few options available online for fixing EVTX files. Try our CQEVTXRecovery tool. It is […]

8 Things to Avoid In Azure Active Directory

Protecting your digital treasure trove means avoiding those Azure AD misconfigurations that attackers are waiting to exploit. Use CQURE’s guide to detect and remedy some of the most common AD misconfiguration mistakes.

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