What is it Really Like to Work in Cybersecurity?

I’ve enjoyed a fascinating and deeply fulfilling career in cybersecurity that has taken me all over the world, and now I want to share my experience of working in what I consider to be the most fun and exciting industry out there. That’s why I held a live event to answer questions on what it’s really like to work on digital defense’s frontline. If you’re curious about how to advance in the industry or have a friend or relative who wants to work in cybersecurity, these insights from me and from the CQURE team are for you.


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8 Things to Avoid In Azure Active Directory

Azure Active Directory simplifies IT infrastructure management by providing a single place to store information about digital identities. But this convenient Identity and Access Management (IAM) system comes pre-configured with only basic features and security settings. For example, the default setting for Azure storage accounts allows access from anywhere, including the internet.


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