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GISEC Global Conference 2021 Summary

There is no better feeling than finally giving session on a real stage, instead of virtually! We all have trully missed face-to-face interacting with people. Our CEO, Paula Januszkiewicz have had this opportunity during this year’s edition of GISEC Global Conference 2021 – Thank you!

We are really excited that Paula had a chance to finally join an onsite event! On June 1st she delivered 2 sessions in Dubai World Trade Centre at GISEC Global Conference 2021 – both being very engaging and well-received by the audience. Do you want to know more about the sessions? Check out the recap below!

Keynote: Hacker’s Paradise: Top 10 Biggest Threats When Working From Home

Once again Paula covers one of the hottest topics in the cybersecurity world! Meaning – remote workforce. Whether you work from home or come to the office every day – you should definately be aware of the best practices in order to remain secure at all times!

What are those practices? Among others:

  • Context-Aware Analysis
  • Configuration reviews
  • Prioritization

Remote working is not only perceived as a necessity, but also as an improvement of work-life balance, which could increase flexibility. Except for conveniency and saving time, remote workforce can introduce various risks. That is why you should always be familiar with most common threats and solutions to avoid being a part of hacker’s paradise!

Lessons from the Field: Hacking Techniques that Always Work

One of the most crucial things in cybersecurity now is surely knowledge of misconfigurations that could appear at the beginning of the attack. During her next, extremely technical session Paula used demos to show the examples of kill-chains, of course most of them are taken from her practice!

Demonstrations were followed up with zero trust approach for administrative accounts, implemented according to the best security practices. As always real case-studies were showed and explained.

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