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CyberBytes: Memory Dump Analysis

How to extract data from memory – volatility & other tools

During this 3-hour recorded practical lesson you will gain crucial cybersecurity knowledge and skills in terms of Memory Dump Analysis. Moreover, you get access to:

    • 3-hour recorded practical lesson
    • training materials to download
    • the virtual training covers
    • 3 demos included
    • video recording and training materials


Why this course?

In just 3 hours, you’ll discover how to extract data from memory dumps and develop the advanced digital forensic skills you need to investigate stealthy cyberattacks.

In just 3 hours, you’ll discover how to extract data from memory dumps and develop the advanced digital forensic skills you need to investigate stealthy cyberattacks.

Pricing plan

We offer you pricing plan designed and adjusted to your specific needs and budget. Buy now or apply, lock your price and pay later.

How is this training different?

  • Short and Intense
  • Level: Advanced
  • Hands-on Training
  • Course materials
  • World-Class Experts

Short and Intense

Time is precious, that’s why we squeezed the best from the topic into a format designed to feed you with knowledge in short time. Effective solution designed to maximize learning.

Level: Advanced

You’ll go straight into the deep, advanced stuff. Expect to hit the ground running as we’ll cover: how to use 6 memory capture tools, how to configure an environment, analyze processactivity, and search for hidden processes with memory analysis tools. Brace yourself!

Hands-on Training

The training is extensively hands-on as it has been designed by passionate practitioners and obsessive researchers from CQURE Team.

Course materials

Access to video recording and training slides for one year for you to keep and get back to whenever needed.

World-Class Experts

We’re bringing you Paula Januszkiewicz as your expert.

Course benefits

Course syllabus

Join Security MVP Paula Januszkiewicz in this unique opportunity to gain advanced cybersecurity skills. Learn how to perform digital forensics step by step, from memory collection to memory analysis, so you’ll have the skills to investigate advanced cyberattacks that are stealthy enough to avoid leaving traces on the computer hard drive.

  • Memory Dump Analysis: How to Extract Data from Memory – Volatility & Other Tools

    • 1. Digital Forensics: The Purpose
    • 2. Memory Collection: Techniques
    • 3. Memory Analysis: Tools
    • 4. Other Tools
    • 5. Memory Analysis: Case Studies
    • 6. Summary

Who is it for?

Intermediate to Advanced Windows Security Professionals

If you want to level up in a specific area fast, this training is for you. We promise to challenge your ways of thinking and executing.

Cybersecurity Specialists

You are: IT professional, Forensics and Incident Handling Specialist, Security Consultant, Infrastructure Architect, Security Professional, Systems Engineer, Network Administrator or a person responsible for implementing network and perimeter security.

Brave Newbies

If you are a newbie bear in mind that the training WILL NOT cover the basics — so it might be a bit challenging for you. The cool thing is that you will be granted lifetime access to the materials so you can learn the topic in your own pace whenever you want.

How persuade your manager that this course is meaningful?

Investing in knowledge is one of the most worthy investment not only for us, but also for our environment. Learning new skills and insights in terms of cybersecurity may benefit with gaining awareness and as a result, may prevent falling a victim to cyber threats in the future.

Protects the Company

You will be the valuable element in regards to company’s safety – knowing about potential threats and ways of avoiding them may be incredibly useful in a daily company life.

Improves Employees skills

Not only your company will gain a specialist in terms of cybersecurity, but also you will unlock the door for expanding your skills horizon even further.

Boosts customer confidence

Completed course may be the perfect advantage when it comes to business.

Helps comply with regulations

Knowledge is power—it helps navigate through complex regulatory landscapes. Keeping up-to-date with the latest cybersecurity regulations and standards ensures your company remains compliant, thus avoiding costly penalties and reputational damage.

Saves money in the long run

Who would have want to pay regularly for help in case of emergency data leakage in a company? It’s much better to educate the employees and prevent any cybersecurity risks.

Prepares for emerging threats

After our course, you will be educated in the possible threats and you will identify any suspicious activity online with ease.

Register now and learn from the best!

During this 3-hour recorded practical lesson you will gain crucial cybersecurity knowledge and skills in terms of Memory Dump Analysis. Moreover, you get access to:

  • 3-hour recorded practical lesson
  • training materials to download
  • the virtual training covers
  • 3 demos included
  • video recording and training materials for one year

Your Experts

This course is delivered by one of the greatest, world-renowned Cybersecurity Experts with practical knowledge from tons of successful projects, many years of real-world experience, great teaching skills and no mercy for misconfigurations or insecure solutions.



Founder & CEO, Microsoft Regional Director, MVP, MCT

Paula is a world-class Cybersecurity Expert with over 19 years of experience in the field. She is often a top-rated speaker at the world biggest conferences as her unique stage presence is always well-received among diverse audiences. To top it all, she has the access to the source code of Windows!

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