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Central Ohio ISSA InfoSec Summit Summary

Privacy and security are always top of mind for IT, but never more so than at this moment when the reality continues to impact how organizations operate today. Remote workforce is becoming a common practice.

Hacker’s Paradise: Top 10 Biggest Threats When Working From Home

During her Keynote at Central Ohio Infosec Summit Paula discussed 10 biggest threats that should be taken under consideration while talking about secure working from home. Moreover, she raised few extremely important questions regarding security… check out some of them below:

  • Do we treat cyber security as a business or IT responsibility? 
  • Do our security goals align with business priorities? 
  • Have we identified and protected our most valuable processes and information?
  • Does our business culture support a secure cyber environment?

If you do not know answers to them, you should definitely learn more about cybersecurity with CQURE Academy! 🎓

Explore Adventures in the Underland: Forensic Techniques Against Hackers Evading the Hook

We are all aware of the fact that cybercrime is a very lucrative business, and it’s not just because the potential financial return, but also because it is quite easy to get away with it… Hackers usually use techniques to remain on the loose, however, it is still possible to gather the evidence allowing to demonstrate what actually happened by using forensic techniques!

This topic is as interesting and intense as it sounds! During this extremely technical session, Paula has demonstrated techniques used by hackers to hide traces and forensic techniques that indicate how these activities were performed. We hope you have enjoyed it fully!

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