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[BlackHat USA 2019] Adventures in the Underland: The CQForensic Toolkit as a Unique Weapon Against Hackers

After this year’s Black Hat Asia, it’s time for Paula to rock at the Black Hat USA in Las Vegas!

On August 8th during The Black Hat USA 2019, Paula Januszkiewicz gave an extremely technical and detailed 50minute briefing session based on CQTools. It was Paula’s second session at the conference, after the thrilling Arsenal a day before. 

CQForensic Toolkit as a Unique Weapon Against Hackers  

Best practices come out when true experts’ experience meets the power of science! Let’s face it: hackers’ creativity has no end. What is more, people, the most valuable resource, are not always aware of the le of security in their companies, possible points of entry, how operating systems are attacked, and how to protect the infrastructure from successful attacks which are, in some cases, triggered by configuration mistakes. The secure infrastructure configuration should be the most important line of defense in every organization. Although hackers often win the race, your OS is not defenseless!  

Enough talking…just check for yourself and learn about 2 great discoveries CQURE made in this area. 

>> Scroll down to view slides and tools from Paula’s session and gain even more valuable knowledge >>>

About the Black Hat 

Black Hat is one of the most technical information security series of events in the world. For more than 20 years, Black Hat inspires professionals at all career levels, encouraging growth and collaboration among academia, world-class researchers, and leaders in the public and private sectors. 

During the event you have a chance to participate in training classes, Arsenal Sessions, Briefings and Review Boards. 

Paula’s presentation slides can be found HERE

Download the tools HERE (Password: CQUREAcademy#123!) and Whitepaper HERE

If you have any questions please drop us a message via our contact form.


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