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[RSA USA 2020] Explore Adventures in the Underland: Forensic Techniques Against Hackers Evading the Hook

Today Paula Januszkiewicz and Mike Jankowski-Lorek presented CQURE Academy’s forensic techniques at the Security Mashup Session at the RSA Conference 2020 in San Francisco.

Find the description, slides, and tools below!

Explore Adventures in the Underland: Forensic Techniques Against Hackers Evading the Hook

Cybercrime is a very lucrative business not just because of the potential financial return, but because of it quite easy to get away with it. Sometimes hackers get caught, but most of the time they still run free. When it comes to the operating system and after-attack traces, it is not that bad as all traces are gathered in one place – your infrastructure. Even though hackers use techniques to remain on the loose, it is possible by using forensic techniques to gather evidence in order to demonstrate what actually happened. During this super intense session, Paula will demonstrate techniques used by hackers to hide traces and forensic techniques that indicate how these activities were performed. Extremely technical session!

👉 Paula’s presentation slides can be found HERE.

👉 Download the tools HERE (Password: CQUREAcademy#123!).

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