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[RSA USA ‘19] Learn from Paula’s keynote about the shortcuts that are not worth taking

There is one simple truth about cybersecurity: taking shortcuts will sooner or later cause more harm and then backfire. You need to know how to eliminate mistakes, avoid taking shortcuts and protect yourself from hackers. This was covered by Paula during her keynote at RSA 2019 in San Francisco!

>>> Scroll down to view the slides and tools from Paula’s session

Organizations always experience a dilemma about designing a secure architecture because it can always be more expensive, time-consuming, and complicated. However, the hackers might be one step ahead and come up with updated or new attack every day. In this landscape, does it make sense to cut corners? If you choose easier alternative and do not protect your data appropriately, it will cause more damage and come back like a boomerang harming your organization. During the RSA keynote Paula showed what mistakes CQURE eliminated when working with our customers.

Remember that trusting solutions without knowing how to break them is really risky in terms of cybersecurity! Check out Paula’s slide deck and tools from the session to learn more and upgrade your cybersecurity knowledge!

Paula’s RSA 2019 presentation slides can be found below:

Download the tools HERE. (Password: CQUREAcademy#123!)

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