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“Anyone can get hacked” – Forbes Interview with Paula Januszkiewicz

Forbes Interview

Forbes interview with Paula Januszkiewicz How hackers choose the bright or the dark side, what the global cybersecurity community thinks about the Russian hackers and how to become one yourself. Hackers are conventionally divided into “white” and “black”: the first legally check IT systems, the second break into them to steal information. Forbes spoke to Paula […]

Paula Januszkiewicz’s Interview for Cyber Security Europe

Paula Januszkiewicz

CSE: You are known as one of the few cybersecurity experts who have access to the entire Microsoft Windows source code. In your view, can a better understanding of computer operating systems contribute to our IT security? Paula Januszkiewicz (PJ): First of all, there are many effective and reliable hack attacks that almost always work. The […]

How You Can Become Part of an Elite Cybersecurity Force

Jack Perry

Part of our mission is to help IT experts seriously level up their game to meet the demands of the exploding IT industry, particularly in the important field of cybersecurity. Our signature Advanced Windows Security Course is designed to train professionals to become experts in advanced Windows security techniques. Here’s a quick overview of how […]

[BlackHat Asia 2019] CQTools: The New Ultimate Hacking Toolkit 

On March 27 and 28, 2019, Paula presented Briefings and Arsenal sessions at Black Hat Asia 2019 in Singapore. You can find below all the details about team-made CQTools and become familiar with the newest and really exciting tools our Team has prepared for Singapore. >>> Scroll down to learn more, check the slides & […]

[NT Conference 2019] Vulnerabilities in Credentials & How to Fix Them

On May 23rd, at the 24th NT Conference in Portorož, Slovenia, you could meet Mike Jankowski-Lorek, our Cloud Security and Database Expert. During his speech, Mike presented the traps of technology in credential security and showed tips on how to avoid them. >>> Scroll down to view slides from Mike’s session and gain even more […]

Sniffing and replaying ADFS claims with Fiddler!

In this article we are going look into the process authentication with ADFS. We will use “Fiddler” – free web debugging proxy tool to analyze network conversation between website to which user is authenticating and its web browser. This is a very useful tool for troubleshooting ADFS authentication problems and we will learn what the […]

[RSA Conference Asia Pacific & Japan 2019] Overtake the hacker’s moves thanks to the tips from Paula’s keynote session!

Do you know that 87% of breached companies did not have security policies and they even did not implement any security awareness education program for employees?  If you took part in Paula Januszkiewicz’s keynote session at the RSA Conference in Singapore, then you probably already know this – any many more industry insights!  If you didn’t have the chance, then it’s high time to […]

[RSA Conference Asia Pacific & Japan 2019] Fatal signs: 10 symptoms when you think you’ve been hacked

After a recent success as a keynote speaker, Paula returns to the RSA Conference series with another valuable cybersecurity speech. Her session on July 18th revealed to you Fatal signs: 10 symptoms when you think you’ve been hacked.  >> Scroll down to view slides and tools from Paula’s session and gain even more valuable knowledge >>> As the new malware trends evolved during the last year, trying to blend in day-to-day admin operations or using machine learning to make malware harder to analyze, we […]

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