Enhanced Key Usage

The tale of Enhanced Key (mis)Usage

One of the commonly recommended solutions to increase the security of user accounts in the on-premise Active Directory is to require two-factor authentication using Smart Cards. Not everyone knows that Windows Smart Card implementation has undergone a significant change years ago that has not been clearly reflected in the publicly available documentation. Since Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) security is not a typical piece of knowledge, therefore many enterprises may be at risk.

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Forensics and Prevention in the New Reality by Paula J – Q&A Session

Find out answers for the most interesting questions from our last webinar “Forensics & Prevention in the New Reality”

The advantage of great forensics investigators is a deep understanding of how technology really works. This helps to be always up-to-date with the fast-paced cybersecurity world. There are things you can discover on your own, and there are things you can ask us and we are happy to answer them.

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